EuLC, s.r.o. provides specialised professional waste management consultancy. The company provides the specific services associated with the position of authorised representative as laid down in Section 27 (18) of Act No. 79/2015 on Wastes and on amendment of certain acts.
What specifically is an authorised representative?
The new Act No. 79/2015 on Wastes and on amendment of certain acts (Waste Act) enters into force on 1 January 2016. The Waste Act is based on the expanded responsibility of manufacturers. Manufacturers of packaging and non-packaging materials, electrical devices, batteries, vehicles and tires are responsible for financing the separate collection of municipal waste in cities and towns.
Most manufacturers fulfil their obligations under the law by entering into a contractual relationship with a so-called manufacturer responsibility organisation (Organizácia zodpovednosti výrobcov – OZV).
This does not apply to manufacturers who do not have registered office or a place of business in the Slovak Republic. Such manufacturers are obliged to perform their obligations through an authorised representative.
An authorised representative is a legal entity or a sole proprietor with registered office or place of business in Slovakia.
The authorised representative assumes responsibility for the performance of all the manufacturer’s obligations under the Waste Act for those manufacturers who do not have registered office in Slovakia in its own name on the basis of written authorisation.